KidSingers Curriculum

KidSingers introduces our youngest singers to the magic of musical expression in a fun and interactive way. Through movement, games, and singing, participants learn foundational music concepts that will launch them into a successful future of music making and singing.

KidSingers Learn…

  • Beginning solfège syllables (Solfège is a method for teaching aural skills, pitch, and sight-reading in Western music. Every note of a scale is given its own unique syllable (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti), which is used to sing that note every time it appears. KidSingers will be introduced to solfège through songs and games.)

  • The different ways we use our voice: speaking, yelling, and singing; songs and games will focus on proper use of the speaking and singing voices

  • To keep a steady beat and to compose, improvise, and read basic rhythmic notation in simple and compound meter

  • Pitch matching

  • To make music in relation to others and as part of a community


The KidSingers repertoire includes folk songs, rounds, and partner songs. The songs chosen allow participants to experience different beats and rhythms and introduce different types of singing. Each KidSingers session culminates in a performance for family and friends. Singers get to share the songs learned throughout the session and are introduced to age-appropriate expectations for stage conduct.

KidSingers in Action